Garden Design
& Construction Services

Nelson Landscape custom plans vegetation, foliage and gardens for every space. We include our customers in the design process to achieve personalized results. Review and modify initial plans until we achieve your ideal residential or commercial space. Not sure what you’re looking for? Nelson can handle the design for you. We use natural vegetation in our landscape designs, including native trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals.

Planning Your Garden

Design a vegetable, herb, botanical, flower, water, rock or butterfly garden with Nelson Landscape. Our garden planning includes functionality and beauty. Take advantage of what nature has to offer. 

Important Elements to Garden Design

Lawn Shape and Condition

Garden architecture should seamlessly integrate into outdoor spaces. We examine the exterior layout and propose the best spot. Gardens come in all shapes and sizes. Select a rectangle, oval, circle, square or oblong shape to better suit your space.


Install a walkway or path to make your garden accessible. Select from pavers, gravel, mulch, stones, pebbles, grass, flagstone, brick, wood, composite, stepping stones and more! Varying colors and thoughtful patterns add a unique flair.  


Choose an expert for a long-lasting, thriving garden. Our arborists and horticulturists select plants based on experience and hardiness zone. Our perennial selections protect your investment for years to come.

Plant Selection

Beautiful garden architecture combines structural and flowering plants. We use shrubs for punctuation, climbing plants for varying heights and delicate flowers to fill in the rest. Vegetable gardens require extra thought because sunlight is the primary factor.


Level up your garden by installing a retaining wall for a more complex exterior design. Retaining walls provide a solid boundary marker, increase property value, fight erosion and create more usable space. 

Contact Nelson Landscape to work on a distinctive garden plan with our exterior designers.
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